For those who have registered for Christmas Hampers with Tobermory Food Bank, the pick -up
date is Monday December 23rd between 11 a.m. and 12p.m. at The Meeting Place. We would not be able to offer these Hampers without the generous support of our Community.
Once again we are so very grateful to the OPP Auxiliary Officers who brought the Stuff the
Cruiser Event to Peacock’s Foodland on December 7th . Auxiliary Officers Tom and Athyna were
there on a most miserable day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. stuffing the Cruiser with the many
donations bought by the generous folks shopping at Peacocks. A total of 559 lb. (253 kg.) and
$445 was collected.
This is the time of year that so many thinking of others donate to the Tobermory Food Bank. At
the time of writing this, there is still no mail service. There are still alternative ways of donating.
You can do an e-transfer to and giving us your name and
home address in the message section or sending a separate e-mail with that information. Also.
you can make a cash donation at a Check-Out at Peacock’s. Tax receipts will be issued for
donations $20 or over. If you wish to donate grocery items, Peacock’s have a donation box as
you enter the store.
We at the Tobermory Food Bank want to thank the Men’s Breakfast group for inviting us on
December 7th to speak to them about our work. If you have any questions about the Food Bank or you would like us to speak to your organization about Food Insecurity and the clients we serve, please contact us and we would be happy to help.
We wish everyone Happy Holidays and only good things for the coming year.
Written by Linda Godhue, Tobermory Food Bank Volunteer, for the Bruce Peninsula Press.